
Procedure for Filing

Check List for Filing for Combination Notice (Tentatively Combination Registry point of view)
  • Cover Letter along with Index
  • Authorisation for signing the notice
  • Authorisation to File notice
  • Proof of payment of fees
  • Summary as per Under Section 13 (1A) of Combination Regulations
  • Trigger Document (s)
  • Declaration (s)

Procedure for Filing:

The duly filled notice under regulation 5 or regulation 8 of Combination Regulations along with [one copy] and an electronic version thereof shall be delivered to the Commission at the address published on its official website.

If the parties to the combination request confidentiality of information or document(s) under sub-regulation (1) of regulation 30 of Combination Regulations, such request may be filed as per the procedure laid down in the Competition Commission of India (General) Regulations, 2009, along with a duly filled in public version of the notice and an electronic version thereof.

All responses or other documents required to be filed before the Commission consequent to the filing of the notice under regulation 5 or regulation 8 of Combination regulations along with [one copy] and an electronic version thereof shall be delivered to the Commission at the address published on its official website.