Capacity Building

Academia Rendezvous

Network of Indian Competition Experts (NICE)

Network of Indian Competition Experts (NICE) is a platform constituted in 2018 under the aegis of Competition Commission of India (CCI) for experts of Competition Law from the top academic and research institutions of India. The platform facilitates multisided flow of knowledge and information in the field of competition law, economics and financial analysis amongst the participants benefitting all the institutions including CCI.

The NICE comprising experts drawn from premier academic and research institutes across the country work as a conduit for regular communication between CCI and the experts with a view to facilitate exchange of ideas and knowledge-sharing. The CCI approaches the pool of academics under the NICE from to time to time to provide intellectual support of capacity building including workshop, lectures and policy advocacy.

  • List of NICE Members

Cartel Working Group (CWG)

The first Cartel Working Group (CWG) was constituted under the aegis of NICE during 2019-20.  The objective of NICE-CWG is to explore areas relating to anti-cartel enforcement covered under Section 3 of the Act of 2002 and their impact in the short and long run on the economy. Under NICE-CWG, the members participate in the yearly/annual webinar and present their research paper in order to address challenges/issues faced by the competition authorities. The research products and exchange of views amongst the members increase awareness about the latest relevant issues relating to detection and enforcement of anti-cartel mandate in India.

It provides an opportunity to explore various facets of Cartel and new emerging innovative ways of entering into cartels. In this scenario it is imperative for any competition authority to find even newer ways to not only unearth and investigate cartels but also be aware of socio-economic impact of regulatory intervention keeping in mind the present challenging times due to Covid 19. 7.    The idea behind constituting NICE-CWG is precisely to familiarise ourselves with new research as also to present before the academia the emerging issues and questions that the competition authorities are grappling with.

  • List of NICE- CWG 2021-21
  • List of NICE- CWG 2021-22